Digital Marketing Course With Placement Guarantee

CADD NEST (P) Ltd., - Latest update - Digital Marketing Course With Placement Guarantee



Introduction to Digital Marketing

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Difference between Traditional and Digital Marketing?
  • Channels of Traditional Marketing?
  • Why Digital Marketing is better than Traditional Marketing?

Growth of Digital Marketing

  • Scope of Digital Marketing in India?
  • Advantages of Digital Marketing?
  • Channels of Digital Marketing?
  • Careers in Digital Marketing?

How to use Digital Marketing Effectively

  • Different ways to use Digital Marketing skills effectively.
  • Types of Digital Marketing?
  • Digital Marketing Strategy?
  • Know how Digital Marketing rules the global market?

How to plan a Digital Marketing Campaign?

  • What is a Digital Marketing campaign?
  • Cost metrics for Digital Marketing campaigns?
  • How to create a successful Digital Marketing campaign?
  • Live Exercise with practicals

To understand the concept in-depth.

Google My Business Listing

  • What is Google My Business Listing?
  • Creation of google my business Account?
  • Steps to create a google my business Account.
  • Live Exercise with practicals

To understand the concept in-depth.

Website Planning and Structure

  • Installing WordPress
  • Customizing Theme
  • Building Home Page and other pages.
  • Customizing Menu
  • Live Exercise with practicals
  • Domain & Hosting

To understand the concept in-depth.

Google Analytics

  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • Setting up Google Analytics
  • Overview of Google Analytics Reports
  • Live Exercise with practicals

Web Content Writing

  • Introduction to Web Content writing
  • Content Writing Services
  • Types of Content Writing
  • How to become a successful content writer
  • Success stories of famous content writers.
  • SEO Content Writing


Introduction to SEO 

  • Introduction to Search Engines
  • Anatomy of SERP
  • Introduction to Ranking Factors 
  • SEO Algorithms 
  • Domain Authority & URL Rank
  • Live Exercise: Understanding SEO 

Basic Excel & HTML For SEO 

  • Basics Excel Formatting 
  • Key Excel Function For SEO 
  • Understand HTML Web Page Structure 
  • Live Exercise: Search Robots vs. User View 

Keywords Planning & Research 

  • Introduction to Keywords 
  • Why are Keywords Important in SEO 
  • Keyword Research Tools 
  • Live Exercise: Keyword Research for Website

SEO Content Writing 

  • Writing For SEO 
  • How to Avoid Penalties 
  • Value vs. Keyword Stuffing 
  • Live Exercise: Writing an SEO Content Copy

On-Page SEO 

  • Checklist of On-Page SEO
  • Head Tags Optimization 
  • Body Tags Optimization 
  • Website Structuring &URLS 
  • Live Exercise: Optimized SEO Page Creation

Link Analysis & Off Page SEO 

  • Link Analysis 
  • Live Exercise: Competitor Back Link Analysis 
  • High-Value Link Building Techniques 
  • Live Exercise: Link Building

Webmaster Tools 

  • Introduction to webmasters tool
  • Google Search Console 
  • Verifying Webmaster Code 
  • Key Webmaster Reports 
  • Live Walkthrough: Using Webmaster for Site Audits 

Local, International & Mobile SEO 

  • Map Listing Optimization 
  • Classified Submission 
  • NAP Usage 
  • Live Exercise: Local SEO Optimization 
  • International SEO 
  • Mobile SEO
  • Mobile SEO Audit 
  • Mobile SEO Best Practices

Black Hat SEO Techniques

  • What is Black Hat SEO?
  • Different Black Hat SEO Techniques
  • Negative SEO
  • Automated Google Queries 
  • Why should one avoid Black Hat SEO?

White Hat SEO Techniques

  • What is White Hat SEO?
  • What makes it essential?
  • Nine Techniques that make a difference.


Social Media Marketing Strategy

  • What is Social Media Marketing Strategy?
  • Importance of Social Media Marketing strategy for Business.
  • Choosing the right Social Media tools.
  • Live Exercise: Social Media Brand Strategy Analysis.

Facebook Business Marketing

  • Profile vs. Group vs. Page
  • FB Page & Post Best Practices
  • Page Insights & Boost Post
  • Live Exercise: FB Page Customization
  • Case Studies: FB Business Pages
  • Facebook Ads
  • PPC Campaign On Facebook

Instagram Business Marketing

  • Instagram Profile Creation & Customization
  • Instagram Posting & Growth Best Practices.
  • Case Studies: Insta Business Profiles
  • Live Exercise: Instagram Posting
  • Instagram Ads
  • LIVE & Practical Training
  • FAQs

Twitter Business Marketing

  •  Twitter Profile Creation &
  • Twitter Page & Post Best Practices
  • Page Insights & Boost Post
  • Live Exercise: FB Page Customization
  • How Twitter Works
  • Twitter Terminology
  • How Businesses use Twitter
  • Quick Guided Setup
  • Twitter Best Practices
  • Twitter Ads
  • Live Exercise: Twitter Posting
  • Practical Training

LinkedIn Business Marketing

  • Introduction to LinkedIn
  • Profile & Posting Best Practices
  • LinkedIn Messaging &InMails
  • Live Exercise: LinkedIn Message & Network Building
  • LinkedIn Ads Marketing 
  • LIVE & Practical Projects

Pinterest Marketing

  • Introduction to Pinterest
  • Pinterest Profile Best Practices
  • Pinterest Traffic Building Strategies
  • Live Exercise: Pinterest Marketing Hacks for Blog Traffic

Reddit Marketing

  • Introduction to Reddit Marketing
  • Creation of Reddit Account & Content Posting
  • Pinterest Traffic Building Strategies
  • Live Exercise: Pinterest Marketing Hacks for Blog Traffic
  • Subreddit and Reddit Community
  • Reddit Ads- Campaigns
  • Reddit Marketing Strategies
  • Live Exercise: Reddit Marketing Hacks.


  • Overview of Remarketing
  • Installing Remarketing code 
  • Using Social Media Insights for Remarketing
  • Facebook pixels
  • We are using remarketing to get conversion, leads & sales.
  • FAQs


  • Why use Online Advertising.
  • Understand Online Ad platforms & Ad buying, models
  • Programmatic & direct Ad Buying

Google Ads

  • Bidding & Auctions
  • Google Ads campaign Structure
  • Billing & Account Setup
  • Google Search Ads
  • Live Exercise-Creating Search Ad Campaign
  • Conversion Tracking Setup
  • Search Ad Campaign-Best Practices & Data Analysis
  • Google Display Ads
  • Live Exercise-Creating Display Ad Campaign
  • Building a Right Display Marketing Strategy
  • Display Ad Campaign-Best Practices & Data Analysis
  • Introduction to Video Ad Campaigns
  • Live Exercise-Creating Video Ad Campaign
  • Advanced Bidding Methods
  • Introduction To App Ads Compaigns
  • Live Excercise-Creating App Ads Compaigns
  • Advanced Bidding Methods for App
  • App Ads 
  • Smart Ads
  • Shopping Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • Local Ads
  • Leads & Sales
  • Increasing Website Traffic via Ads
  • Promoting Business & App via Google Ads
  • Brand Awareness Compaigns
  • Product, brand or app promotion compaigns
  • LIVE & Practical Training


  • Setting Remarketing
  • Customizing Google Ads Remarketing List
  • Remarketing Campaign Setup- Google Ads
  • LIVE & Practical Training

PPC Compaigns

  • Setting PPC Compaigns 
  • Analysing PPC reports
  • Getting Leads & Sales via PPC
  • LIVE & Practical Training


Introducing Google Analytics

  • Why digital analytics?
  • How Google Analytics works
  • Google Analytics setup
  • How to set up views with filters

The Google Analytics Interface

  • Navigating Google Analytics
  • Understanding overview reports
  • Understanding full reports
  • How to share reports
  • How to set up dashboards and shortcuts

Basic Reports

  • Audience reports
  • Acquisition reports
  • Behaviour reports

Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking

  • How to measure Custom Campaigns
  • Tracking campaigns with the URL Builder
  • Use Goals to measure business objectives
  • How to measure Google Ads campaigns
  • Course review and next steps

Google Tag Manager

  • Starting with Google Tag Manager
  • Setting up Google Tag Manager
  • Collecting data using the Data Layer, variables, and events
  • Using additional tags for marketing and remarketing


Email Marketing: Overview

  • Introduction to Advanced Email Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Email Marketing
  • Email Best Practices and Myths
  • Bulk Email concept
  • Things you can do with Emails

Elements of marketing emails

  • Advantages of the different text formats (HTML
    or Plain Text)
  • Permissions & E-permissions
  • Frequency & Ethics of Newsletters
  • Defining your Goals
  • Email Marketing Strategies

Build your email list

  • Learn ways to build your email list
  • Build your email list through a website
    subscribe form
  • Segmentation
  • Active Users

Measuring your email campaigns

  • Open rates, click-through-rates, unsubscribe
    rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates
  • A/B Split Testing
  • How to deal with Spam Filter
  • Choosing your metrics
  • Tracking Landing Pages
  • Analyzing Test Results
  • Setting your Budget


Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

  • How to become an affiliate marketer
  • Finding affiliate program partners
  • Case Studies: Affiliate Marketing

Amazon’s affiliate marketing program

  • Introduction to Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program
  • What you need to know about Amazon Associates
  • Amazon Associates Pros and Cons

Flipkart affiliate marketing program

  • Introduction to Flipkart Affiliate Marketing Program
  • Why Consider Flipkart Affiliate Marketing Program in India?
  • Flipkart Affiliate Marketing Commission
  • Requirements for Flipkart Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate Blog

  • Introduction to Affiliate Blog
  • Steps to creating Affiliate Blog and

Earn Money

  • 4 Types of Affiliate Products to Promote
  • Case Studies: Affiliate Blog


YouTube Marketing

  • YouTube Ads 
  • Banner Ads
  • Text Ads
  • Google Video Ads
  • LIVE & Practical Training


  • Introduction to Vlogging
  • Most Popular Platforms for Vlogging
  • Steps to create a successful Vlogging Video
  • Traditional means of Vlogging Income
  • LIVE & Practical Training

Video Editing

  • Video Editing Softwares
  • Video Editing Apps
  • LIVE & Practical Training


  • SMS Marketing
  • WhatsApp Marketing
  • Messenger Marketing
  • Google Play Store
  • FAQs


  • Quora Marketing
  • CRO(Customer Review Optimization)
  • ORM(Online Reputation Management)
  • CMS(Content Management System)
  • Content Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Outbound Marketing
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Live video streaming for Marketing
  • Chatbots for Marketing
  • Omnichannel Marketing is Now Vital
  • LIVE & Practical Training 
  • All Trending Tools For Marketing

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